Nana Okomfo Anokye became the most influential priest in Asanti in 18 th century during the first Asantihene time(Nana Osei Tutu. The priest performed miracles and wonders begining from the inception of Asantiman. Regalias and several items including the gold stool were conjured from the skies. Nana Komfo Anokye had a great solidarity with Nana Osei Tutu in founding the Asanti Nation. Okomfo Anokye commanded the gold stool to descend on the laps of Nana Osei Tutu on a Friday.He was then pronounced the new King of the newly formed nation which later came to be known as Asante after its coalition with other Amanhene (paramount chiefs). Nana Anokye enacted laws for the Asante Nation which most are still practiced today. The priest instructed the Asantis to sacrifice some of the Amanhene including Nana Diko Pim of Ejisu, Asenso Kufo of Adwumakase kese and Tweneboa Kodua from Kumawu so that victory could be achieved at the battle of Feyiase. Lo and behold, the sacrificed was practiced and Asanti became truimphant against Denkyira. The priest warned Asantiman to defend, protect and defend the gold stool with the last drop of their blood. For this reason, the Asantis under Kontenase Antwi and Dwaben Boateng defended the gold stool during the katamanso battle where the stool was almost lost to the Asens. Written By the Founder if Ashanti Future Antwi Boateng Senior Northern ky University Organizational Leadership and International studies